Thousands of Positive Posters!

Congrats to Nick and the crew at Positive Posters for running a successful 2011 competition! There were literally thousands of entries, so I did my best to look at most of them, but just couldn’t get through them all (or this post wouldn’t have been live until 2012!).

So here’s a few of my favourite entries based on the message they communicate, a clever concept, great design or a combination of them all. Enjoy!

by Tom Andrews // Hundred's and thousand's die in poverty

Continue reading “Thousands of Positive Posters!”

A Few Ways to Help East Africa

Unless you are’ living under a rock’ as they say, you would know about the drought, severe famine, fighting and massive refugee problem going on in East Africa or the Horn of Africa. This is an epic humanitarian disaster with millions of people affected and displaced – it rightly deserves our attention and more so our response through action and generosity.

East Africa

It’s great to see the massive amount of action taking place through campaigns and programs by international charity/aid organsations, but it can also be a little overwhelming to know how to help and what to contribute to!

Here are a few great ways to help the people of East Africa: Continue reading “A Few Ways to Help East Africa”